Saturday 21 February 2015

22 February // Dear Christchurch

Dear Christchurch,

Four years ago today you changed mine and many others lives forever. I never thought I could forgive you for that but now I have began to accept that all things happen for a reason.

It was a Tuesday 2011, I finished school at 12pm and was walking through town with mum when we both decided that going for an afternoon swim was going to be our plan of attack. We drove out of town and stopped at a red light as you do when you approach an intersection. Unbeknown to us things were about to change forever.

Mum started screaming, I had not figured out what was going on yet but soon my mind clicked. An earthquake, not just a small one, but as we found out later on- a magnitude 6.3. Our car bounced across the road and shock violently, Mum and I clinging onto each other crying not knowing what to do. You were a short but violent earthquake, lasting only 10 seconds- It felt like a life time though. Once the shaking stopped we looked back at you Christchurch for the last time and saw mountains of dust rising into the sky.

For the next week my family was too scared to live at home so our friends lounge became our makeshift bedroom. Gripping to the doorways when an aftershock hit or diving under a table became normality. We had to boil water to drink as taps were contaminated, use a barbecue for an oven as power was not on, cellphones had no reception so communication was lost. Looking back now I would never wish this experience upon anyone, ever.

My school was kept closed for the longest (4 weeks) due to it being situated in the city centre. I was very uncomfortable going back seeing as the building was four stories high but the students and staff made it very welcoming. It was good to finally get back into routine.

Four years on I now look at Christchurch with hope. We have the most beautiful artworks surrounding our streets, amazing pop up malls constructed out of shipping containers, structurally stable buildings going up and a fresh start and clean slate that not many are lucky enough to get. I don't want to leave Christchurch yet, I'm in no way ready to move on. I never thought that I would say that, but It's true, I have fallen in love with my wee city.

Thank-you Christchurch for showing me that life can be re-stored and that we can rise up.


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